
Website Updates

We're in the process of improving the website. Eventually you'll be able to log in to book shoots, manage your data, renew online etc. In the meantime - please bear with us!

New Answer Phone

To check for forthcoming shoots/events or last minute cancellations prior to setting off to the range/event please call 0300 1990 762.
You may leave a message, but please speak clearly!

NRA Addition of Hand Loaded Ammunition Certification

The NRA are implementing the addition of “Hand Loaded Ammunition” as a recognised certification on Shooter Certification Cards (SCC) issued from January 2024 onwards.

The NRA has developed a Code of Practice (CoP) for Hand Loading Ammunition which provides guidance for the safe preparation and use of ammunition.

To obtain hand loaded ammunition certification on an SCC, shooters need to read the CoP and complete and sign the Declaration on page 9:

A declaration then remains valid indefinitely unless revoked by the club or the NRA.

SCCs issued by the NRA

NRA Members who have 4 year SCCs should email or post the signed Declaration to the membership department for inclusion on their SCC –

SCCs issued by affiliated clubs

Members of affiliated clubs are required to send their signed Declaration to their Club Chairperson, who will retain the Declaration with club records and request the addition to member SCCs through the annual club renewal process.

Members attention is drawn to the wording “Downloading ammunition will not be accepted as a means to bring rounds that would otherwise exceed potential ME/MV values within limits”.


We are very sad to announce that our dedicated Club Secretary, Paul Budd, died suddenly on 9 October 2023.

Paul was our Secretary for a total of 23 years, and we have a great deal to thank him for.

Our thoughts are with Paul's family and friends at this difficult time.

We are sure that some members may like to attend Paul's funeral. We are able to share that this will take place at Shropham church in Norfolk on 7 November 2023 at 11.30 am. (No flowers please, a donation page is available at if you would like to make a contribution).

Paul Budd